Administrator offline ÊÁÒªÔ¡¢Ò»ÃÐ¨Ó Sex : Post : 325 ÊÁÒªÔ¡ÅӴѺ·Õè : 1
Ãԧⷹ âÅâ¡é ÇÍÅà»à»ÍÃì |
Code : | <edit file>
</edit file>
<search for>
my($snfchecked, $fls1, $fls2, $fls3, $utfchecked, $truncchecked, $mts1, $mts2, $mts3, $tsl6, $tsl5, $tsl4, $tsl3, $tsl2, $tsl1);
</search for>
<add after>
# Colorful jump to menu mod - begining
my($cjthidedashchecked, $cjtshowcolorschecked, $cjtusespcsschecked);
my($cjtmyjumptocls, $cjtmycatcls, $cjtmyboardcls, $cjtmycurboardcls, $cjtmydashcls, $cjtmydashline);
# Colorful jump to menu mod - end
</add after>
<search for>
if ($timeselected == 6) { $tsl6 = " selected" } elsif ($timeselected == 5) { $tsl5 = " selected" } elsif ($timeselected == 4) { $tsl4 = " selected" } elsif ($timeselected == 3) { $tsl3 = " selected" } elsif ($timeselected == 2) { $tsl2 = " selected" } else { $tsl1 = " selected" }
</search for>
<add after>
# Colorful jump to menu mod - begining
if ($cjthidedash) {$cjthidedashchecked = " checked" }
if ($cjtshowcolors) {$cjtshowcolorschecked = " checked" }
if ($cjtusespcss) {$cjtusespcsschecked = " checked" }
if($cjtshowcolors == 1) {
if($cjtusespcss == 1) {
$cjtmyjumptocls = "cjtmjump";
$cjtmycatcls = "cjtmcat";
$cjtmyboardcls = "cjtmboard";
$cjtmycurboardcls = "cjtmcurboard";
$cjtmydashcls = "cjtmdash";
else {
$cjtmyjumptocls = $cjtjumptocls;
$cjtmycatcls = $cjtcatcls;
$cjtmyboardcls = $cjtboardcls;
$cjtmycurboardcls = $cjtcurboardcls;
$cjtmydashcls = $cjtdashcls;
else {
$cjtmyjumptocls = "";
$cjtmycatcls = "";
$cjtmyboardcls = "";
$cjtmycurboardcls = "";
$cjtmydashcls = "";
if($cjthidedash == 0) {
$cjtmydashline = qq~<option value="" class="$cjtmydashcls">------------------------ -----</option>~;
else {
$cjtmydashline = "";
# Colorful jump to menu mod - end
</add after>
<search for>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">$txt{'521'}</font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><input type=checkbox name="menutype"$menuchecked></td>
</ search for>
# Colorful jump to menu mod - begining
$yymain .= qq~
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2"><b><a name="cjtlink">Colorful jump to menu mod</a><b></font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">Hide dash lines in menu between categories?</font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><input type=checkbox name="cjthidedash" $cjthidedashchecked></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">Use colors in "jump to" menu?</font><br><font size="1">This must be checked to see what this mod do.</td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><input type=checkbox name="cjtshowcolors" $cjtshowcolorschecked></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">Use special css sytle classes?</font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><input type=checkbox name="cjtusespcss" $cjtusespcsschecked></td>
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="1">If the upper option <b>is</b> checked you have to copy and paste these lines into template.html file between <sytle> and </sytle>. Then, you can modify them as you like.</td>
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="1"><i>
/* Jump to menu colors */<br>
.cjtmjump { background-color: #DEE7EF; color: #000000; } /* Colors for label "Jump to" */<br>
.cjtmcat { background-color: #6E94B7; color: #FFFFFF; } /* Colors for categories' labels */<br>
.cjtmboard { background-color: #DEE7EF; color: #000000; } /* Colors for boards' labels */<br>
.cjtmcurboard { background-color: #DEE7EF; color: #000000; } /* Colors for the board, you are currently in */<br>
.cjtmdash { background-color: #DEE7EF; color: #000000; } /* Colors for dash lines, separating each category */<br>
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="1">If the upper option is <b>not</b> checked, please fill out these fields or press "Set default colors" link. Write the name of the css class in the fields to use properties of that class. Class names are writen in template.html file.</font></td>
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" align="left">
<td colspan=2 class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2"><a href="#cjtlink" onMouseDown="Javascript:cjtjumptocls.value='windowbg' ;cjtcatcls.value='titlebg';cjtboardcls.value='windowbg';c jtdashcls.value='windowbg';cjtcurboardcls.value='windowbg2 ';">>> Set default colors</a></font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">Preview:</font><br><fo nt size="1">you have to save settings to effect on preview.</font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><font size="2">Class for "Jump to" label</font></td>
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}"><input type=text name="cjtjumptocls" size="10" value="$cjtjumptocls"></td>
<td rowspan=5 valign="top" class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color{'windowbg2'}">
<select name="cjtpreview">
<option class="$cjtmyjumptocls">Forum Jump:</option> |